Happy Anniversary

08 March 2013

Well fellow bloggers. 
Can I call you that? Probably not, seeing as this is practically my one year anniversary since my last post, and I have undoubtedly been chased out of the blogging community with pitch forks and torches.

But in a dire attempt to earn back your acceptance I give you the one year recap to top all one year recaps. 



Candace and Steve got married

I played with some paint

I wore the same outfit as my friend


I wore a British t-shirt on the 4th of July

I returned to the homeland

I saw my friends at a dance

I saw my bestest

And of course, this lady

Then I left again

Took roommate pictures with my new roommates

I finally found some Ethnic Hair Care (please excuse the wretched pixelation)

I spent Christmas and New Years with my Klumpps 

Then I went Rollerblading for the first time

Saw Ed Sheeran in concert with this beauty

And then there's these fellows...

So that's it! You really didn't miss much after all.

Until next year.

Just kidding.

We'll see.

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